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At the Team Typhoon HQ we are actively engineering a product that will revolutionize the way that we as humans access and consume drinkable water.


We are a small group of students that have been trying for the last 2 years to invent new innovative solutions to tackle real world problems affecting us every day. 


Thanks to FIRST, we are able to bring our ideas to the world.


We are TYPHOON; bringing to you... HUSK.



invest in husk



how husk works


water purifier husk

HUSK allows consumers to collect and effortlessly purify rainwater and turn it into rejuvenating drinking water. 


It harnesses environmentally friendly sand and rice husk filtering techniques to provide you with safe, clean drinking water without you having to input money, time or energy.




water    purifier + HEP

In this model of HUSK we have put together extremely efficient filtering techniques to create safe, drinkable water and have also brought to you an automatic power generator, creating energy by utilising rainfall. 


With simply a small added cost, you are provided with potentially limitless energy.


HUSK+ will only be available to large firms and charitable organisations.

HUSK family

Starting from 6th January 2018 we will be looking for investors to bring HUSK to the world and integrate it into our everyday lives.


Investors will be guaranteed a 2% profit on your investment; if you invest over £350, you will be granted a 15% discount on your HUSK/HUSK+


Pricing of The
husk Family

We are looking to start up HUSK at just a measly market price of £99.99 and HUSK+ will be starting at £124.99


When selling to government and aid agencies in bulk, this figure will be decreased significantly to make it easier for them to help people in crisis and dire situations.


Our mission for husk

We want HUSK to be set up in third world countries on a very large scale, so that all people living there can have access to safe drinkable water, which we think is a basic human right that every single person should have.


We want to help those in developing countries without easy and affordable access to clean water.


We want to make water more accessible and affordable for all households.


This will create a more efficient and cost effective way for government and aid agencies to use water filtration in less developed countries and regions suffering from natural disasters and common households.

what does husk acheive

Husk filters dirty water in a more efficient and cost-effective way.


Normal water purifiers are expensive - it takes up money, power and work to succeed. The most reliable water purifiers use techniques such as reverse osmosis that can cost around £250. Industrialised water purification can cost thousands of pounds…


Which is something that isolated areas in the world don’t have easy access to, and that kind of investment for a household consumer just isn’t sensible. Finally, not all water purification is efficient. Purifiers that need little water can be as little as 15% energy efficient.

efficiency of husk

Our product is efficiently designed from the get go, managing to filter through 4 litres an hour (per square metre). Essentially, that gives you enough safe drinking water for a family of 4 - in less than 2 hours. Yeah, wow.


The filter doesn’t require additional power, because the water falls due to gravity.


As no power is required for husk to function, this makes it 100% efficient

costing of creating husk

The approximate material cost of 1 HUSK model holding 320L of water:


--Rice Husk                    -  £09.07

--Sand                            -  £05.45

--Gravel                         -  £08.64

--Cloth                           -  £00.99

--Metal mesh                -  £01.47

--Recycled plastic         -  £35.64

--HEP system (HUSK+) -  £10.23


--Total cost         - £61.29/£71.52

why use rice husk ash in husk

Rice is widely produced, especially in countries with economies primarily based on the primary sector (raw materials). Most of these counties are less economically developed and have high levels of rainfall for agriculture to thrive. These are the perfect places for HUSK to help citizens with low standards of living.


Bangladesh, Vietnam and Indonesia are 3 of the top 5 rice producers in the world, producing on average around 40 million tonnes of rice each every year. Around 20% of this is rice husk, an undesirable waste agricultural mass. That’s around 8 million tonnes of rice husk produced in each country annually. This means that in these countries, the cost of our product, HUSK, will fall further.

Contact Us

The Square, 3 Chalfont Way

Earley, Reading, RG65HJ


Tel: +44 771-059-5602

Fax: +44 741-368-6333


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